Journey to a different reality clouded in old Asian mysticism.
Journey to a different reality clouded in old Asian mysticism.
Premiere: 2025
A lone samurai tells a story inspired by Asian legends and tales where reality and the mystical collide.
A world is created where everything becomes possible.
Aged, he lies dying under the waning light of the moon. With his last breaths, he recalls his life and the legacy he’s leaving behind – his journey. An epic tale unfolds as he recalls his lost memories, craving inner peace.
Accompany him on this adventure to the land of the rising sun, the path leading through the shadowed, lonesome corners of the imagination.
A journey for everyone set in an unexpected location, under a majestic tree, with the scenery unraveling as the story blossoms.
Prepare for the unexpected as the audience is guided to a majestic tree – the centerpiece of this production. A site-specific performance focusing on merging the beauty of nature and childlike awe and curiosity. The use of magic techniques and technology highlights and creates this osmosis where all components blend seamlessly, creating a world for the audience to become fully immersed.
Riuchi has researched the tools necessary to develop an autonomous site-specific performance. With the use of outdoor equipment, the show is powered by batteries and free from logistical constraints. The focus is instead geared toward using the natural surroundings unknown and unfamiliar to the audience.
He is casting a new light on the outdoor performance for audiences to experience and enjoy.
Arts Council of Ireland Bursary awards | Arts Council of Ireland Agility awards | Algard Bla Norway
Premiere: 2025
A lone samurai tells a story inspired by Asian legends and tales where reality and the mystical collide.
A world is created where everything becomes possible.
Aged, he lies dying under the waning light of the moon. With his last breaths, he recalls his life and the legacy he’s leaving behind – his journey. An epic tale unfolds as he recalls his lost memories, craving inner peace.
Accompany him on this adventure to the land of the rising sun, the path leading through the shadowed, lonesome corners of the imagination.
A journey for everyone set in an unexpected location, under a majestic tree, with the scenery unraveling as the story blossoms.

Prepare for the unexpected as the audience is guided to a majestic tree – the centerpiece of this production. A site-specific performance focusing on merging the beauty of nature and childlike awe and curiosity. The use of magic techniques and technology highlights and creates this osmosis where all components blend seamlessly, creating a world for the audience to become fully immersed.
Riuchi has researched the tools necessary to develop an autonomous site-specific performance. With the use of outdoor equipment, the show is powered by batteries and free from logistical constraints. The focus is instead geared toward using the natural surroundings unknown and unfamiliar to the audience.
He is casting a new light on the outdoor performance for audiences to experience and enjoy.